

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 2 months, 1 week ago

Erzincan CALLing: Flipped learning and DIYLMS

This wiki was designed as a 3-hour seminar which I was invited to give on March 13, 2012, at Erzincan University. The purpose of the seminar was to raise the consciousness of Aviation College students in Erzincan, Turkey about techniques for learning English and how to use online resources for self-study.


For further information beyond what you can find here, please see the writeups from this experience:


How to prepare for this workshop

What you should do before the workshop

At http://edmodo.com please join the group erzincancalling CODE: p2y4pw


Aggregation of content

We will tag everything we produce with our tag erzincancalling

During our workshop we can have people doing these actiivities 


I began the seminar by explaining why I had called the seminar Erzincan CALLing.  I explained that the title was a play on CALL, computer-assisted language learning, but that I was lately referring to this as SMALL, for social-media assisted language learning. Now that computers are coming to be normalized, the C in the acronym is no longer revelatory. However, connecting people through social media is, and is how computers should be used for language learning. I advised the students that one good way to use them to learn English is to put yourself in touch with others in a PLN, or personal learning network (sometimes called a PLE, personal learning environment).  I showed the students one of the excellent PLE/PLN diagrams that can be found here: http://edtechpost.wikispaces.com/PLE+Diagrams 

I showed an example of how my own PLN had worked that very morning, to alert me to a course that Mark Pegrum had just stated on advanced e-learning.  At my request, he provided the URL: http://e-language.wikispaces.com/e-tools



Program for the Workshop


Here's what we did, and why we did it


9:00 - 9:20 - Sharing online with Delicious and Wallwisher


Why did we do this? 

The workshop took place in a computer lab with around 50 computers, almost all of them taken by the 45 students and half a dozen teachers who attended the workshop.  This is what it looked like:

In such an environment it's difficult to get to know one another and to engage participation from even a small percentage of those present.  Wallwisher is one way to get feedback from a large group, without participants having to create an account somewhere and log in.


We then made a screenshot of our Wallwisher using the Jing tool, available for free from http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html.  Another similar tool is available from http://www.screenr.com/. These tools again enable us to communicate with large groups by making a screenshot or even a video or something happening on your computer (for example, here is how you do something ... I'll show you and if you need to see it again, I'm recording it).  The recording is uploaded and has a URL.  The URL can be distributed to everyone in the group so they can all see what the teacher (or student) wants to show the group.


The Jing URL is a little hard to communicate.  The URL for this one was http://screencast.com/t/nR23u7qae. It's hard for a teacher to SAY that, and if I write it down and display it, it's hard for students to copy it down exactly.  So here are three ways I can communicate with the group.

  1. Since I am keeping a wiki, and for anyone who is on that page, I can write the URL in the wiki (as I did above) and invite you to refresh your wiki, find the URL, and click on it.
  2. I can make a TINY URL for it, something that is easier for me to tell you and for you to write into your browser. 
  3. I can TAG the URL in Delicious and then you can find it by visiting the link where all our tagged items in Delicious will always appear.  Since our tag is erzincancalling, you can find all URLs with that tag here: http://www.delicious.com/tag/erzincancalling.

    This Jing screencapture shows it in Vance's stream (best way to see what I've just tagged)


9:30 - 9:50 - Tagging in Flickr and Twitter; Posterous, Edmodo

  • Visit this link and let's talk about the roles we'll adopt during this workshop
    • Tagging
      • Delicious 
      • Flickr and Taggalaxy
      • Twitter 
    • Posterous (sadly, closing down April 30, 2013)
    • Edmodo 
  • Delicious - 
    • Log on using your Yahoo acct (or create one on Delicious) 
    • Add the bookmarklet to your browser
  • Flickr
    • Log on using your Yahoo acct
    • Take a picture on your cell phone, upload it to Flickr, and tag it erzincancalling
    • If you wish, you can set it for creative commons distribution 
  • What web sites do you know that are good for learning English?


Why did we do this? 

The first activity, which you can see here at this link, was to get the participants to be active during the seminar, and to some extent it worked.  The teachers present did indeed make Flickr photos and upload them, but for some reason I'm having trouble working out, I've been unable to get the tags to show.  I hope I can figure out the reason when I get time to look into it.  Meanwhile, the photos are available in my photostream:



Also participants tagged some (but not many) sites in Delicious, as you can see when you visit http://www.delicious.com/tag/erzincancalling and see that the PLN graphic I used was bookmarked 3 times.


No one apart from me (and 2 teachers, from Hong Kong and Uzbekistan) tweeted on our hashtag #erzincancalling.


If there had been a lot of tagging activity then we would have seen more results at the links you can find on the aggregation page.  If there are a variety of tagged items they will usually show up on our Spezify page http://spezify.com/#/erzincancalling.  As it is, all we managed to accumulate to this page were our tweets:



10:00 - 10:20 - Etherpad, Jing, Screenr, Google Docs

  • Websites good for English
  • Brainstorm in an Etherpad document: Genres of websites and examples 
  • We'll move this to a Google Doc - in the break we share it 


Why did we do this? 

Again, in groups of so many students, it is difficult to elicit responses quickly and effectively from each person, so this time I used an Etherpad clone, a URL where all students could go and write at the same time their answer to our poll question, what is your favorite website for learning English.  


At the break someone inadvertently (or for fun :-) deleted all the contents of the TitanPad - we got everything back by using the time slider.   While the students were on break I copied the good contents into a Google Doc, and when the students returned they spent the next 15 minutes adding themselves to the Google Doc on my computer.  And then it suddenly became lunchtime and the students all left after thanking me very much for the presentation :-)




And that is where most presentations like this end.  The students leave.  All is soon forgotten.


But NOT with this one ...




The most powerful takeaway from this presentation is that the presentation does not need to end.

Now the learning can begin!


The students asked me to show them something that would help them learn English.  I did.  We created a Google Doc.  We shared it.  We gave it a TinyURL http://tinyurl.com/erzincancalling.  It's still there.  All the students can read it and write on it. All their English teachers were added as well. 


This report was put in blog at http://erzincancalling.posterous.com (since moved to http://advanceducation.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/turning-3-hour-face-to-face-seminar.html).  The students can subscribe to that blog. If they do that I can promote them to authors. It's possible that they might comment on this post, or make posts of their own.  If they do that, then email is sent to all subscribers of the blog.  When subscribers reply to the email, their comments appear automatically on the blog and email is again sent to all subscribers that comments were made, and they can reply by email if they wish.  Students can also post to the blog by email, and any attachment they include will be embedded in the blog.


Here's how you can continue improving your English through what we started in Erzincan in March 2012


I have taken these steps to help us all perpetuate this learning experience:

  1. I have updated the Google Doc to let you know I have updated this wiki space
  2. I wrote about what I think we accomplished at http://advanceducation.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/turning-3-hour-face-to-face-seminar.html
  3. I invite you, if you want to continue with this learning experience, to
    1. Get a Posterous account from http://posterous.com (no longer possible; Posterous closes Apr 30, 2013)
    2. Subscribe to the blog at  http://erzincancalling.posterous.com/ (again, no longer possible - no one did this anyway :-)


And we'll see if we can make this one-time presentation develop into a long-term learning experience!


Meanwhile you can read below about ... 


What we DIDN'T do during the workshop (ran out of time :-) 


10:30 - 10:50 - Games and other websites good for learning English

  • Break into small groups of 4, each with one of the genres of Websites good for English
    • Or select one of the Games for English 
  • Someone in group starts a Google Doc, shares with the others and with vancestev@gmail.com 
  • Groups research the topic, tag what they find erzincancalling
  • Group together produces one document, publishes it, gets its URL (Vance will show how on projector)
  • Create tiny URL for the document and paste this into the document (Vance will demonstrate)
  • Tag the URL in delicious so we can find all the documents produced in this way at http://delicious.com/tag/erzincancalling  


11:00 - 11:20 - Aggregating our tags


11:30 - 11:50 - Present your findings in Prezi or PowerPoint & Slideshare

  • Find one example of a web site that you use or that you discovered today, and with a partner or two do some research on that resource and write down the reasons why you should convince others to use it too.
    • Figure out how to use Prezi http://prezi.com and create a brief presentation that mind maps why the site is a good one
    • Create a PPT slide show and upload it to http://slideshare.net  


12:00 - 12:20 - Consolidate what we learned

  • Blog your impressions
  • Share your presentation with the group


Helpful documents


Collaborative writing


  • This work sheet shows how to publish a Google Doc
    Instructions: Word doc and pdf file


  • Here's a follow-on exercise on Team building using Delicious and Google Docs





Genres of software for language learning






Breaking News English (Sean Banville) http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/


Videos (Films and YouTube)


English teachers who post helpful web sites



These are from a presentation given at TESOL Arabia 2012 by 

David Patent, Higher Colleges of Technology, Ras Al Khaimah Men’s College, dpatent@hct.ac.ae


Games Websites:

  • Games for change
  • Nobel Prize Games
  • Gamestar mechanic
  • UK Parliament games


Serious Games

  • 3rd World Farmer
  • Blast Off Game
  • Energy City
  • Who wants to live a million years
  • Garbage dreams



  • Admongo
  • Real Lives 2010 $$$
  • Cutthroat capitalism
  • Amnesty: the Game
  • Dinner Dash
  • Hunt for the Noor Stone
  • Fate of the world
  • Stop disasters
  • OneClick room maker
  • Prisoners of War
  • Heifer Village: Nepal
  • Darfur is Dying
  • Ayitz: The cost of life


English lessons



Mobile English





Digital Storytelling


Courses in everything / anything


Write your own collaborative eBook

  • scribed
  • Issue 


Writing Aids


URLs to practice Speaking





PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on May 11, 2022

Wiki updated Jan 12, 2023

updated Dec. 13, 2023

Edited Nov. 12, 2024


















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